MIJA is a California-based wellness company. Our team combines over decades of experience in the food, beauty, and wellness industry.
Why wellness? Everything from our skin and hair, to our energy and mood, begins and ends with the functional wellness of our body. Without proper nutrition and care, even the best serums and workouts won't go very far. Science indicates that the nutrients we provide our bodies are fundamental for every aspect of our wellness from long, flowing locks and restful sleep, to a beautiful, glowing complexion. We understand it's a challenge to get all these nutrients daily. So we created easy-to-take, clean, superfood-powered solutions backed by clinical research.
Our first product is Superstar -- an essential daily supplement made from 100% certified-organic, plant-based, single-sourced ingredients designed to fill the universal nutritional gaps and dietary shortfalls in the modern diet. As one of the nation's leading registered dietitian nutritionists, Sarah drew upon her extensive client work as data points to ensure our supplement was formulated with precise ratios to provide all the essentials for optimized health.
Our co-founder, Sarah Koszyk, is a board-certified, registered dietitian nutritionist whose clientele includes Silicon Valley executives and professional athletes. She's served on the academic board of dietitians responsible for vetting many supplements on the market today, and realized that there was a significant lack of oversight into the quality of ingredients and integrity of the overall formulas. Upon realizing that the wellness industry was more concerned with the quality of a face oil than the quality of nutrients actually being ingested -- Sarah decided to advocate for change in the way consumers valued their health.
Building upon her vast experience as a leading registered dietitian nutritionist, and with her connections to the top performance labs, food scientists, and farmers, we were able to fulfill our mission of delivering optimal wellness from within by sourcing the freshest ingredients of the finest quality, meticulously tested for purity, that undergo cutting-edge extraction processes and are backed by clinical research.
With a Bachelors and Masters degree in the field, as well as previous work at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Sarah Koszyk is recognized as a leader and innovator in the dietetic industry. In her private practice, Sarah has earned the reputation as Silicon Valley's go-to wellness expert. Her clients include Tech and Start-up executives and professional athletes. Sarah is also the resident nutrition correspondent for KRON-4 News broadcast in the San Francisco-Bay Area.
Sarah literally wrote the book(s) on food and nutrition. As a published author of 25 Anti-Aging Smoothies for Revitalizing, Glowing Skin. 365 Snacks For Every Day Of The Year. Co-author of Brain Foods: 10 Simple Foods That Will Increase Your Focus, Improve Your Memory, And Decrease Depression. And contributor to Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Superfoods Diet To Detoxify, Energize, And Supercharge Fat Loss.
Sarah’s career endeavors have been acknowledged through the prestigious award of Excellence in Private Practice, Business or Communications Award in 2017 from the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In addition, she was the recipient for the Outstanding Dietitian of the Year Award in 2011 from the Bay Area Dietetic Association and the California Dietetic Association. She was also the recipient for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year Award from California in 2011, with recognition published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Sarah was elected by her dietetic colleagues to serve as the Chair of a national dietetic practice group, Nutrition Entrepreneurs, which is associated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
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